I just really wanted to write about all the amazing people who have been here for me this last hard month and my last surgery.
Of course he is the first. This year is not ideal for a new married couple and we just hit 11 months being married! unbelievable. However, I couldn't love you more. I swear this experience has made us so much closer we've had to deal with the gritty sooner than most couples.. you sometimes had to help me get dressed and even helped me clean myself the first surgery. Not only that but this isn't easy.. we got so jealous of each other both times I think.. more so the first time.. You being gone me being at home. We've had some rough rough confrontations and i'm grateful we got them out of the way yeah maybe it would have been nice to be in the "married bubble" but i wouldn't trade knowing how much you love me and how well you take care of me for the world. I love you so very much and this would have been the worst experience of my life without you.
Ausia, Thom and Baby Olive,
You guys really have been the biggest support I could ever ask for. You've come over and cheered me up more than anyone else and I couldn't be more thankful. I hope I can be the same friend to you and so does clayton. we appreciate it so very much and I hope that you know that. We can't wait to be long time friends. Thankyou.
Brittany (sister) and Tyler (brother),
You have come over and made us dinner and just filled up some of my lonely time. I appreciate it so much thank you. and Tyler you're just crazy and just make me feel like i'm not broken. Which is appreciated because it's hard to just sit here and talk about my foot sometimes. both of you did this.
Thank you for your support. Really i think during this time has been the most supportive you've ever been in my life. I'm not saying to bash I just think Cheryl has made you a better man. So i should be thanking her too. Just when I made the phone call to you the other day after the doctors appointment I expected you to just tell me "Well you're on antibiotics so you'll get better." You surprised me though and showed me real empathy so thank you it's exactly what I needed and it's made this easier. I love you.
I know you're busy and tyler keeps you that way ;) so honestly just the fact that you remember me is enough. I love you and hope we can go have a girls day soon. I hope you don't feel bad about not being here a ton but really it's okay. I know you're always here if anything major happens.
Toooooo all the little guys ;) (just kidding you aren't little!)
Jacob, Aaron, and Gene,
You guys are my stress relievers I'm sorry I don't mean that in a bad way but you guys are great! making jokes and just being there for me. I know it's mostly through texts but it's great and I appreciate the littlest things! so thank you!
Thanks for the other day and for just being yourself! i loved it! silly and fun and just something to do even though I thought I was going to walk. I'm looking forward to our movie night and possible game or something nights! you're are great.
I'm not making this post to be little anyone I just really needed to thank those who have really been here for me. I don't do it enough and it means the world to me. It really does. So thank you. For being friends who talk to me about you stuff and who listen about my stuff and who care. So thank you, thank you, thank you! And I hope I can show you the same kindness.
Claiming Mrs. Edgerton