

So I wanted to come up with more than just one  thing that FREAKS me out after having surgery.. well

This is all I could think of..  i mean everything else doesn't quite compare :

As you can clearly see from this photo my right Calf is no longer... Freaky eh? yeah i thought so too. I hadn't really looked at my calf this whole time until a couple days ago. I felt it. and knew the muscle was gone but looking at it is a completely different story. It just blooows my mind that you can do this to your leg within two weeks.. I mean you have to not use it at all but still. 

and why my Left ankle looks so skinny is only because my right one is swollen. hah it's silly looking. 

The only other thing that freaks me out isn't exactly gross or strange just that I am scared to walk on my foot. And as you can see with my lack of calf muscle that I wont be 100% for a while I'll have to build that muscle up again and slowly work on walking on my foot also. I think the doctor mentioned that in two weeks from last friday that we will start working on it. but i'm not positive. 

Oh and I guess that how bruised my foot is, is slightly disturbing too. It healing I know but my entire foot is bruised up past my ankle a little. stinks sometimes but it's normal.

Well I heard this song  on Gossip Girl yesterday and I just remembered how much I love it: enjoy.

I just love the meaning this song gives.

Don't worry he cheated on you.. because one day he's going to be rich.. and that means he wont cheat on you? yes. that must be it.


Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


Aunt Flow Please Just Go.

Hey everyone.

It's been a while sense I've made a real post. Up until a couple days ago I've just kind of been in and out mentally.. because of the drugs I have to take to stop the pain. Also the pain itself and my body trying to heal is very very very wearing... These are some things I didn't expect before hand. I understood that i'd have a ton of pain. I just didn't get that I'd be sooooo tired ALL the time. So if  you plan on visiting me I usually can only take about 2 hours at a time unless you don't mind me sleeping or laying down while you are over.

Last doctors visit photos:


In all reality being tired is probably a good thing. Keeps me from being anxious when it's so beautiful outside. I'm Glad my mom is letting me use the wii because that's been a lot of fun the last couple days! I've been playing Cooking mamma (my workout ;) ) and Animal Crossing. If you have that game on the Wii come visit my town or let me visit yours! I have pear trees! it's nice to have distractions that are VERY easy to do laying down. I've tried doing a couple crafts but sitting up is not easy..

I hope none of this comes across as complaining because I'm not meaning it to. I love my life I love my Husband he is so amazing threw all of this. He worries about me a lot and always says how proud he is of me and that I'm doing so good with all of this. I'm a generally happy person every day despite this. I want everything to go well. I only cry when it HURTS a ton.

So today We had another doctors appointment! It was to take the stitches out and to try and put the boot on!  We video taped getting the stitches out. I actually find my doctor pretty funny. hahah he says " give it about a week and you can fill up a little pool with cold water and sit in it" in different words. but I find that hilarious. also "I fell off my mountain bike and had to give myself stitches" like it's nothing to give yourself stitches hahahahahaha. love it.  It's about 5 min long (the video). So don't feel like you need to watch it all he cut the tops of the stitches and the ends and then just pulled out each string. It didn't hurt for the most part a couple spots were stuck a little and tugged a bit but nothing more then getting blood taken.

Todays Doctor visit:

Ttop vie the swelling is down a lot but still
pretty swollen. However you can tell what they did. 

This one looks way better then last time!


Oh and he put bandaid on it and then just this kind of this sockish type thing around them to just apply some pressure still to help keep everything down. BUT we got it in the boot EASY and it feels better for the most part. It's not used to being bent back that far. The boot keeps it bent back far like as if i were walking on it. So it's slight uncomfortable and I think the Tendon they Tightened is stiff so that's a little bothersome but not terrible and I got to shave my leg and Clean my foot afterword! It is nice not to have a yellowish foot because of the stuff they cleaned it with after surgery. In between my toes was really sticky/slimy yeah... gross I know. hahaha. NOT ANYMORE though thank goodness!!

also.. lets just mention the name of this post slightly.. if you are a boy and don't like to talk about the "time of the month" then don't read this paragraph (you were warned). So obviously it's about my menstrual time. I don't know about all you other girls but I've always had terrible terrible terrible periods and I tend to get VERY weak for a few days. So lets just say one. It's not easy going to the bathroom as it is but having to take off and put on womanly products as well is even more annoying. and two my good leg is SO FREAKING WEAK it stinks.. also I'm pretty much uncomfortable all the time my body just aches because of it. so I'm not enjoying this week tooo  much... hence the Aunt Flow Please Just Go tittle. that's all I want is it to be overrr.

Sorry if that was a TMI I really  needed to vent about it hahahah! Well that's pretty much all I have to say. ooh also If you have enjoyed books like The Giver, The Uglies series, Tuesdays with morie, Harry Potter, Twilight and things of that nature. I'd appreciate some recommendations! kay thanks :D just leave them below in the comments.

Love always.

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton.


Dads Day

Happy Fathers Day John B. Whited.

Yep that's me and my dad about 7 ish years ago! My dad may have his faults but he's still my dad and I love him. He taught me a lot of things.

.How to be hardworking
.How to Enjoy the outdoors
.How to want to spend time with family and why.

Thing like that I wouldn't have gotten in my life without him. I love you dad Happy fathers day.

Claiming mrs. Edgerton


How to Shower After Foot Surgery.

So I know this would have been helpful for me so i'm putting it out there.

Step 1

Have great people in your life:

A. awesome Husband:

B. Great Family

Awesome Friends

Without any one of these things you will NOT be showering after foot surgery. 

Step 2:

Get one of these

Either hook this up before surgery or get one of those amazing people to do it for you! Because there is no way you are hooking that up on crutches. If you do (with no added injury) then please tell/video tape that because I'll be jealous. 

Step 3:

Get a water proof chair and a chair for outside of the tub to put your foot on. For me I used this one from IKEA for 9.99..

Too keep this chair Inside the bathtub without sliding we put a towel down underneath it. Works great!

Step 4:

Again have one of those Amazing people in your life set it all up :

It should look something like this when you are ready. 

Step 5


Honestly the shower is the highlight of my day. If you've ever gone threw surgery where you can't move around a lot.. then you know your  body tends to get SORE everywhere.. well getting in the shower doesn't only clean you (which i'm glad I can do) But it takes the pain out of the rest of your body leaving you so refreshed and ready to relax. mmmmm..mmm.mm.

So that's some helpful tips for the person who temporarily has one foot.

Today has been pretty good. Clayton did a lot of lawn work. I started on my dads  Fathers day present it's going to be the cheapest yet greatest gift ever because it's hand made with love. umm we also decide to find out what our cat has played with and lost underneath our stove:

Here is what we found. Three airsoft gun darts, tampon injector, two sharpes, chapstick, easter egg full of M&M's, Chop Stick 3 straws, pen cap, pencil, Tingly lip glosh I lost right after my bach party, and Paintprush

There is only ONE thing we found I'm worried about.. tampon injector. she likes to tip over our garbage cans... yes.. i'm not okay with that ending up under the stove. 

I also had a serious stomach ace.. today... so freaking awful it was like the stomach flue..  which is not good when your foot also hurts.. so we had to come up with a way to take a bath:

That is the result. so that was my day. Have fun with this entry. I did!

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


21st Birthday

Freakin-A I'm 21?

Yeah okay I can't believe it honestly. Clayton is happy though because we can go get this Hamburger that they sell at this bar that doesn't allow underage people in. hahah!

So today I just enjoyed me some Pinterest and Netflix and sleeping. Then I took a shower , which i've been able to do for a few days now, Because clayton bought me one of these:

And so I can sit in the shower on my chair from Ikea that's plastic and put my bandaged foot outside the shower on the chair. The first day we had it was seriously a GREEEAT DAY. Then I actually sat in the bathroom and did my hair and put nice clothes on for the first time in a week! felt really nice even though it did tire me out a lot.. 

But a girl has got to look nice on her birthday kay? End of story.

Then my family (dad,cheryl,brittany,jonathon,tyler,grandma) came over and brought me gifts and cake and we sat around and talked. My mom is coming tomorrow with my Pies I requested! she makes great Pies. I cried at the beginning of the party  hah but just because I felt really bad that Brittany and tyler were so upset about the food.. and being on Pain meds makes it so I can not control my emotions. but then they felt bad becauase I was crying. and I is just really nice to be able to get along with my siblings. When I was younger they would have just yelled at me for being  a baby. But lately i've noticed how well we've all really grown up and how we enjoy eachother so much more. I think Not seeing each other very much sense my wedding as has made us appreciate each other. and I'm just really grateful for that. I can't even tell you how nice it was once everything got worked out. One of the best birthdays i've had in a long time! so thank you guys so much

Brittany gave me a great gift too! I seriously love it!

Apron from Britt So freaking adorable. 
I'll take a better picture of it once I can stand on my foot and use it! it's amazingly cute! And I got money from my dad and A cute card from my Grandma and some awesome paper so I can make some stuff while I'm crippled! 

Also thank you so much everyone who wished me a happy birthday wish I could have thrown a whole party. If someone wants to throw me a belated one I wouldn't mind ;). I like seeing all my friends in one place and enjoying their company. 

Welll I just wanted to post and say how great it is to have family and friends who are happy that you are alive. 


Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


Doctors Visit.

holy moly. It's been almost a week sense my surgery! crrraazzy.

So first off crutches are just the BIGGEST workout ever. dear heavens going from the car to the doctors offices was haaard! haha. Then the nurse took off all the bandaging there were SOO many layers. This is what I have on now:


I'm supposed to be wearing the awful boot I have but my foot was a little two swollen so he has the brace on the bottom to keep my ankle bent! 

While the bandages were off he made me do some exercises like bending my toes and ankle which was incredibly hard hah. but I'm supposed to do it once or twice a day so I don't have a limp foot haha. He said it all looked really good and normal. I mean it looked gross and isn't even closed to healed but for it being a week after he said I was doing GREAT  and said I was doing really good on the crutches. 

SOO what you all have been waiting for... I'm going to post the links to the photos of my foot UNCOVERED hahah Clayton wants to keep pictures of my progress so we took some. so here they are:

I posted them as links so that you don't HAVE to look at them. I'm very happy to have all those bandages off though it was SOO heavy and hot! I'm not excited for wearing the boot haha.. which I will do as soon as the swelling goes down! So all is good here! 

My birthday is tomorrow woohooo I'm pretty excited I guess I'd really like people to come over and at least wish me happy birthday. I wouldn't mind presents I promise I'm good for them. I return the favor! Just text me if you want to come over! 

Oh and I'm recently a member of Pinterest.com and I'm Obsessed with it! I have 4 more invites so if you want an invite I am happy to invite you! 

Leave me some comments below! 

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


Full of love.

Who knows if it's  me or if it's the pills talking. Clayton claims that I'm way lovey when the pills kick in! hahaha.

I don't care which it is. I am so grateful for Clayton. He is seriously the only person that I would want to be with right now. He makes this so much easier. Just having him here to support me and just seeing the care in his eyes. He's been sleeping out here near the couch on an air mattress and he even moved my little desk and his computer out here to be with me :] he's so amazing!

Yesterday was probably the worst day so far. Today seems to be going better! I haven't been taking two lortab anymore I'm now taking One and A half. Which is really good. I took pills in the morning without eating something first.. big mistake! hah was sick most of the day..  I'm trying to take really good care of my foot. Hardly getting up other then to use the restroom and sponge bathe myself haha. Which I have to say isn't the most pleasant thing to do but at least I'm clean after wards! that is what really counts! Clayton helps wash my hair.

I don't really enjoy taking these pills but without them I'd be in a lot of pain. I hate how sleepy and dizzy they make me feel. hah I sleep once I take them. I've been trying to stay awake by making friendship bracelets hahaha.. however lame that is It's keeping me awake so I don't feel like I'm sleeping all day.

soo funny to me right now

The woman from the ward here have brought me dinner twice now. Yumm. they are are good cooks, which i'm very glad that they are! I'm so thankful that they have been making separate meals for me. I still feel a little awkward because I barely know anyone in the ward but honestly with how much time Clayton already has to help me readjust my foot like every two minutes... he wouldn't have time to make dinner so their dinners are not only deli-shes but so helpful. I need to keep my health up so I can heal properly.

all in all I'lll make it threw this and the next surgery.. it's just going to be a long road.. I'm not looking forward to putting pressure on my foot (whenever that is). I'm scared to. haha It hurts now even when i'm just resting it on pillows!

well thanks for reading my rambled up words. hahaah the pills make me so fuzzy...

claiming Mrs. Edgerton


Birthday Wish List

Things I really wouldn't mind to get! My brithday is in 6 days woo. June 15!

you can buy it here

A coool nightlight I really like this one but I'm not picky if it's COOL

and a cool booklight :]

  • Money (go towards my new shoes fund)
haha I've been up sense Five and looking at things. I'm okay if people want to visit on my birthday. My dad and mom are coming over with cake and such so feel free to ask for details. It's on june 15th. The day before I'll be going to the foot doctor to get my foot re-bandaged so it should look better then this one.

So we went to hospital at 12:30 and I didn't go into surgery until 3. Longest wait of my life. I also had an Ivy in for 90 minutes yuck. I didn't like it. And It's made me have to pee like every 20 minutes. which isn't fun! hahaha. But yesterday night was good I was numb for most the night. Today I woke up and 5 and I've finally felt some pain.. not fun. ouch. But apparently crutches are really good exercise soo.. that's good news right? hahaha

You know other than the wait surgery it's self is not bad. haha Just put me under and then it feels like I was sleeping for like a minute and bam I'm awake. I didn't do anything weird that I know of other than I asked the nurse if I could help her with her paper work... hahaha I was just seeing if I could help her with information about myself.. but she laughed at me. Riverton hospital was a good experience all around everyone was extremely nice and funny. 

and I'm okay with the pain meds they gave me because I've been able to stay awake. I don't like sleeping all day. So lets hope they keep working decently. 

Thanks for all your prayers and good vibes. I wouldn't have been so calm without them. I appreciate all the love I have felt from everyone. 

Love me

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


I'm going to be okay.

This song will get me threw these awful surgeries.

We now know when it will be... it will be at the Riverton hospital (which I like) at 12:30pm. yikes. I'm not too scared still but  a little nervous and anxious I suppose.

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


One Day to go.

So foot surgery is 1 day away.. I got slightly scared yesterday.. I'm fine today. It still is like a fake feeling. You know? like it's not really going to happen in One day. I'm just trying to focus on the good.

This is from our honey moon. 

  • I wont have grandma feet when i'm 25
  • I'll be able to run within a year! I'll be in the best shape of my life. (this is my goal)
  • I wont have a bunion? like whattt. I honestly don't remember NOT having a bunion.
  • The obvious. My pain will be gone.
  • I'll be able to wear WHATEVER shoes I want. (super stoked for this one)
  • I probably wont hate my feet anymore. 
  • Be able to work for 8 hours and not limp after 4 hours.
That's all the positives I've come up with! I've been playing the "how far apart will my big toe be from my middle toe" game with clayton. I think I'll have a gap between them like tyler does. hahaha I really don't know but I do think there will be a little space instead of being squished under the toe. I'm glad we will be getting the second foot done as soon as I can hold my weight on my right foot without the boot. I mean It's probably going to REALLY suck after know how much it hurts after getting my right foot done... I'll probably be more afraid to get the left foot done then I am for this first surgery hahah.

I already know that the first 7 days are supposed to be the WORST and really bad pain... there was a lady at church yesterday who kept telling me how sorry she was for me and that the pain pills will become my "bestfriend" yeah I'm not looking forward to the pain. hah In the end it will be worth it!

honestly, I would have had to do this by the time I'm 25...  My feet are rediculous.. they are already cramping up all the time and getting stiff like i'm 60 years old. So it's a good thing i'm getting it done now. I'm not going to be able go anywhere unless someone drives me for a while.. 6-8 weeks is the estimated time. So come and visit. the reliefsociety will be bring me meals.. so we should be good on that...

The other thing i'm not looking forward to is being home alone while clayton is at school. He's going to try to be around and much as he can for the first week... and he's going to put his mini fridge out in the front room for me fillled with my favorite juice/juiceboxes and some food... but i'm not sure what food he's going to be fitting in the little fridge. haha. Picky me. 

man i'm super anxious to know what my foot will look like without a bunion. haha it's going to be funny to have one foot without one and the other one the same. haha good thing i'm getting the second one done the same year. also.. I'm not going to fit into any of my shoes that I wore without my inserts :[ booo infact i'm not even sure if i'll fit in those shoes.. but I should because those ones are like size 7 1/2 or 8's because my inserts  take up so much room in shoes. but my Flats and hills and other shoes I had for "special" things or for "church" wont fit anymore :[ boo. i'm so sad about it.

And i'm not even going to mention.... BATHING.... uck. now that I think of it don't visit me. hahahaha

Kay that's all from my ranting today. 

Claiming Mrs Edgerton
