
When He said I love you.

I'm pretty private about my relationships, so I honestly have no idea who has heard the story of when Clayton said "I love you" for the first time. I wish I was better at writing in my journal so I had more of the specified time and date but I don't. I want to say it was probably around 2 or 3 months after we started dating officially.

It's pretty short and simple. It's incredibly adorable in my eyes though.

So pretty much we were just taking a little nap one day or at least I was! Then I get rudely woken up with a good shake and "Are you asleep?!!" and at that point I no longer was then Clayton says nervously "I just couldn't wait I love you."

I of course out of sleep talk said it back. I'm extremely honest when I'm tired so I'm sure that's why he waited till i was asleep.

That's it. but I love it. I love him. He is great and just remembering that moment makes me love him more.

Today is going to be a good day.

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