I know I have the obvious.
..Amazing husband
..House over my head
..maaaany things I could do like Knitting, Reading, DS, Netflix, playing with my cat.
..And a nice couch to spend my many sitting weeks on.
As you read this list you are probably like.. WTF why are you complaining. You obviously have the love of your life and a various amount of things to do.. well heres the list of things depressing me..
..Never seeing my friends.
..Never seeing the outside in the beautiful green summer I know it's been from my alergies.
..Not being able to just take a little walk.
..Not being able to clean my house.
..Not having any goals because I'm pretty much out until December. (if you factor my second surgery in)
..No swimming,hiking,camping,driving etc.
I'm pretty sure I could make that list at LEAST twice as long. I'm not trying to say I have the worst life ever.. but I really ENJOY life and life is out there and not inside my house. I also realized that I wasn't letting myself enjoy what I can have. My dad made a suggestion yesterday that wasn't really saying that i needed to fix my life or anything.. He just said "maybe you should shave your legs. And you know what I thought about it for a little and was like..
Shaving my legs. MY LEGS. I could do that. I can also shower and I can also do my hair and make up if I wish and wear clothes I'd like to wear. Those are things I Can do. So I decided instead of just sitting here depressed about how I look and yadda yadda why not just get ready EVERY day. Just the simple act of getting in the shower (which i was already doing) and then getting dressed and doing my hair. So far it's been helping. it's just something I can spend time doing and it makes me feel better about how I look during the day despite the fact I only see my mom, dad, and clayton in the week. Us girls need to look good for OURSELVES. it's so trrrue. So I also painted my toes tonight!
It's that popular mint color i've had it for a while. Anyway it's a nice change and it's good to do things just DO things. So then today I had an old friend tell me that I just need to turn on some backstreetboys and just dance. She thought that she said something wrong because I can't do the trditional dancing with both feet but when I got out of the shower I had music playing and while I did my hair I danced! and before that me and clayton talked about working out once I can and how we already eat so healthy and that we hardly have ANY processed food in our house! just because we were curious! which is awesome. we really eat really well. But when I got out of the shower I was dancing and realized. I CAN WORKOUT ON A CHAIR! mostly upper body stuff but I can start doing stuff now!
well.. that's pretty much it.. I just really am glad that i've realized these things help and I'm so much better after dancing and doing some silly chair workouts. I'm just happier just doing such simple things.
love always
Kristy E. E.
I want to hang out with you all the time :)