
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  Thomas A. Edison

That is my favorite quote as of right now. I need to focus on just being myself instead of trying bet other people. Other people have great talents. Mine just aren't as clear as others but they are there...

  • Hardworking
  • Organized
  • Caring
Those are all I'm sure of but I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am. Maybe I'm not meant to be some amazing artist or the most creative craftsman.. But I have talents and I need to focus on the good in my life. I love Clayton and I"m not sad really. I'm just really struggling with not being able to have a long time goal right now.. 

Before my foot surgery I was going to work this summer off and pay off some of the things we need to pay off so I can start saving for nail school. But now it looks like I wont be able to work until next year.. which is hard for me because ever sense High School work is all I've known.. Maybe this is a good time for me to get to know myself. I've never really done that I've always distracted myself with friends and work. I want to focus on Clayton and I and get used to having a family of my own. It's a really weird transition. Lets just say having to get foot surgery isn't something I wanted to have to deal with during that transition.. 

Hope everyone is having a good day. Let me know what your hobbies and talents are and any advice. It would be more then welcome.

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton


  1. i love that quote kristy! i def. know how you feel as far as the whole talents thing. I see all these people with such distinct talents or are really good at and passionate about something and i dont really have anything like that. Im kind of good at a lot of things but not good enough or passionate enough to make it a career. You'll figure everything out =)

  2. Thank you laurie for your comment. You are so sweet! I think if we knew each other just a little better we'd realize how similar we are! you have a great personality and are so caring and fun! sometimes the world just needs people like us around. :]

