

If I personally could have my own little wonderland. It would look exactly/or mostly like this wonderful backyard:

It's my dream backyard. Could you just imagine cuddling with me while we watch a movie/tvshow? I can and I would invite you over I promise. I wouldn't keep this wonderland to myself.

Count down to surgery? 8days.. (mainly so I can remember how close it really it is.)

I've also been spending my entire day so far watching this nice chap Charlie. He is super adorable. I probably shouldn't but I do have a crush on him.

Time just goes by so fast.. and even faster sense finding Clayton poo. I hope it slows down a little so I can enjoy life sliightly more :] love you all! follow me on Twitter if you have one! let me know what your site is called I'm giving twitter a chance! www.twitter.com/kedgerton11 

Love youuu all.

Claiming Mrs. Edgerton

1 comment:

  1. Lets do something before your surgery. Stop ditching me :)

